HEART is an Option 3 accountability group which offers families legal homeschool status in the state of South Carolina (section 59-65-47). Heart was formed in 1998 by the Anderson Homeschool Association. Meetings, assistance, transcripts, letters, ranking, and forms are all included in your family membership!
HEART serves families throughout the state of South Carolina, and although our Board has a Christian worldview, a statement of faith is not required to join Heart.
We believe that each child is specially created to God’s glory with individual gifts and talents. Families teach students using the methods best for them, whether preparing for the workforce or college, while meeting SC homeschool law. We also offer a Certificate of Completion for special needs students not receiving a diploma.
We provide the following practical support and services at no extra charge:
- Online reporting and forms (or paper options)
- Optional, monthly drop-in meetings; quick response time to your calls & questions.
- Assistance with maintaining homeschool records and check of your records for compliance to SC law.
- Optional meetings for first time members and high school planning.
- HSLDA discount code 211064
- Assistance transitioning into or out of homeschool.
- Membership letters for SC DMV, dual enrollment, college, and sports.
- High school transcripts. Parents are free to send their own transcript or request the transcript be sent by Heart.
- Class rank and Palmetto Fellows Scholarship filing. All high school students will be ranked per SC guidelines and must submit grades by May 31.
Families registered with Heart legally homeschool by following these state guidelines for 3rd-option group members:
1. Primary teacher must hold a high school diploma or GED.
2. Student must complete 180 days of school.
3. Parent must include in the curriculum: reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and in grades seven through twelve, composition and literature (replaces reading & writing).
4. Parent must keep: a. a plan book, diary, or other record of student's activities,
b. a portfolio of samples,
c. semi-annual progress reports,
d. attendance.
Per SC law, homeschool records are kept by the parent and Heart only checks that the records are being kept. We do not require a large amount of year-end parent paperwork.
Carol Brownell - Director. Carol holds a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and enjoyed homeschooling for 22 years. She has 3 graduates in college and 2 post-college. Carol and her husband have both been involved in administration, auditing, teaching, & coaching. They have one daughter and four sons.
Karen Gentry - Treasurer. Karen has served many years as treasurer on the Board of Anderson Homeschool Assoc and Heart. Her son has graduated from Clemson University, Karen invested many hours supporting sports and now her son does so as a profession. She enjoys volunteering at her church and also works in the school district office.
Susan Duckworth - Asst Director and Board. Susan has homeschooled her 3 children for many years and also taught high school English at her alma mater, Westside High.. She has 2 sons and a daughter, but enjoys her two grandkids even more.
Wendy Whitfield - Board Member. Wendy has been homeschooling her son for many years and earned her degree in Science. She enjoys being involved in her local church, teaching art and outdoor activities with her family. Her son will graduate in 2025